Councils – Please refer to the financial calendar for due dates concerning membership and insurance.
Roles and Responsibilities
Financial officers are elected to manage the fiscal operations of the unit, council, and district PTA. These officers include treasurer (required), financial secretary (optional), and financial reviewer (optional). All unit, council, and district PTAs are required to have a financial reviewer who many be elected, appointed, or hired in accordance with bylaws. Job dues are detailed in the PTA bylaws, standing rules, and job descriptions; consult these for further information.
2020-2021 Annual Treasurer's Reports – COUNCIL
Authorization for Electronic Transfer for Attorney General (RRF-1) Only
Authorization for Payment via EFT/Bank Bill Pay Services (Fillable)
Budget (Sample)
Cash Verification (Fillable)
Committee Report (Fillable)
Conflict of Interest/Whistleblowers Form (Fillable)
CT-TR-1 Annotated Sample (en Español)
Donation Receipt (Fillable)
Facilities Use Permit Addendum (Fillable)
Fiduciary Agreement (Fillable)
Financial Review Checklist (Fillable)
Financial Review Report (Fillable)
Hold Harmless Agreement (Fillable)
Ledger (Sample)
Request for Advance/Payment Authorization (Fillable)
RRF-1 Annotated Sample (en Español)
Treasurer's Report (Sample)
Unit Remittance Form (use the remittance form your council PTA has prepared for your use)
Thirty-Third District Financial Team & Info
Please forward the following paperwork to the district treasurer and cc the district office director, Vera Johnson, office@33rdpta.org:
Annual Financial Reports
Financial Secretary​
The financial secretary receives ALL money from councils unless otherwise noted.
Please refer to the financial calendar for due dates concerning membership and insurance.
Budget & Finance
Please forward the following paperwork to the district budget & finance director and cc the district office director, Vera Johnson, office@33rdpta.org:
Council Budget for the year
Financial Reviewer
Please forward the following paperwork to the district financial reviewer and cc the district office director, Vera Johnson, office@33rdpta.org:
Year-end financial review
Mid-year financial review
If the council does NOT submit financial reviews as due, the Thirty-Third District PTA financial reviewer may call in the books for financial review.
Tax & Government Filings
Please forward the following paperwork to the district tax & government filings consultant and cc the district office director, Vera Johnson, office@33rdpta.org:
Federal tax return, state tax return, RRF-1
SI-100 (for incorporated units/councils)
Financial Team at a Glance
The financial health of your PTA is crucial to the success of speaking up for all children and families. California State PTA provides California State PTA provides guidance, support, and training in board fiduciary duties and governance to support the work of your PTA.
The Annual Financial Report is required to be completed after June 30 of each year. This report outlines what the income and expenses were for each entity and it should be the same as what is reported on Form 990 to the IRS. A copy of this report is to be kept with each unit with a copy forwarded to council.
The Yearly Budget is a guideline as to how each entity is going to earn and spend its money. Again, a copy of this report should be presented and adopted at the first meeting of the year and the approved Budget should be sent to the council.
Finally, a copy of all tax and governmental filings should be forwarded to your council and council should forward all copies to Thirty-Third District PTA by the deadlines found in the Thirty-Third District PTA Calendar.
Councils should make a list of the information sent by each unit as well as themselves and forward this information on to the district. Thirty-Third District PTA will keep track of all of the units and councils in our district.
Make sure that you (whether you are a unit or a council) are issuing receipts for any funds received. Often times, this is the only documentation that will be provided to your treasurer as backup for payment authorizations.
Taxes and Forms
You may utilize the document management section of myPTEZ to upload your tax filing information even if you are not using PTA EZ for your unit’s accounting and ledger keeping.
Federal Tax Return – Internal Revenue Service form 990-N (e-Postcard) must be filed electronically by all units and councils with gross receipts normally less than or equal to $50,000; IRS form 990EZ must be filed by units and councils with gross receipts more than $50,000 and less than $200,000; IRS form 990 must be filed by units and councils with gross receipts of $200,000 or more. These forms may be filed any time after the close of the fiscal year (June 30th), but must be received by the IRS no later than November 15th. Apply for a 3-month extension, Form 8868, if you will not be able to make the November 15th deadline. If you received a 3-month extension and will not be able to make the February 15th deadline, apply for an additional 3-month extension.
State Tax Return – California State Franchise Tax Board form 199N must be filed electronically by all units and councils with gross receipts equal to or less than $50,000 or form 199 with gross receipts greater than $50,000. These forms may be filed any time after the close of the fiscal year (June 30th), but must be received by the IRS no later than July 15th.
RRF-1 Forms – All councils and units must have a valid charitable trust (CT) number and must file an annual registration renewal form with the California Attorney General/Registry of Charitable Trusts. These forms may be filed any time after the close of the fiscal year (June 30th), and should be filed upon completion of the federal and state tax filings which is no later than November 15th.
California Secretary of State SI-100 (Statement of Information) Forms – All incorporated councils and units must file a SI-100 form and the $20 filing fee with the California Secretary of State every other year, during the applicable filing period, which is in the calendar month during which the initial Articles of Incorporation were filed and the immediately preceding five calendar months. Councils and units incorporated in odd-numbered years must file the SI-100 in odd-numbered years. Councils and units incorporated in even-numbered years must file the SI-100 in even-numbered years. NOTE: This form MUST be filed biennially (every other year) even if a notice to file is not received. The Secretary of State may not send a reminder of the filing due date.
REMEMBER – Non-profit organizations may not have to pay taxes, but they DO HAVE TO PAY FINES for not following the rules and regulations. Send a copy of all completed tax returns, RRF-1 forms, and SI-100 forms to Thirty-Third District PTA and to the council treasurer.
Mail all tax returns and government agency required forms via “Certified Mail – Return Receipt Requested.” This is the only proof you have that filing requirements have been met by specified due dates.

Thirty-Third District Financial Team
Erica Dawson
Financial Secretary
Rita Rivera
Budget & Finance
Lissette Gonzalez
Tax & Government Filings
Lisa Uyematsu
Financial Reviewer
Stephanie Dickinson