California’s education system is changing fast. Learn how it all fits together with Ed100!
California State PTA and Ed100.org teamed up to help parents learn more about education so you can help create better schools.
Explore the education system in easy-to-understand language. No jargon. No partisan slant. Written by education experts who know Sacramento and local schools.
Ed100 is a free online resource that prepares you to make a difference in your school or school district. It helps you learn what you need to know to be informed, credible and ready for action.
Every California child deserves a great education. With Ed100, you can be part of the solution.
Resources for Your Parent Meetings

Ed100 Parent Leader Guide
The Parent Leader Guide provides “ready-to-go” plans for parent meetings. We want to help you hold meetings that matter. It’s all here: Lessons, discussion prompts, handouts and suggestions for taking action.