"Stronger Together"
Thirty-Third District PTA has an extensive history of service in the schools and communities that we represent. We are committed to inform, train, and provide support for our councils and units.
Mission Statement
The mission of Thirty-Third District PTA is to support and empower its councils and units as we further the purposes and benefits of PTA by expanding membership, developing and strengthening leadership, and promoting informed advocacy on behalf of all children and families.
Provide support and training to councils and units
Provide tools to councils for unit training
Provide ongoing training at meetings
Encourage attendance at all district conferences and workshops
Encourage attendance at California State PTA events
Train councils and units to encourage diversity and inclusion at all levels
Expand membership to reflect our diverse communities
Retain current members and reach out to gain new members
Increase student participation
Provide effective communications
Improve and maintain the website
Utilize all avenues of communication
Provide translation and interpretation services
Develop and strengthen district leadership capacity
Train and support council mentors
Develop a succession plan to include diversity and inclusion at all levels
Encourage councils to assign mentors to units and develop a succession plan
Increase informed advocacy efforts
Develop and/or enhance advocacy knowledge and skills
Encourage attendance at Sacramento Safari and the district Legislation Conference
About PTA
Unit PTA
Unit PTAs are organized and chartered in conformity with rules and regulations as prescribed in the bylaws of the California State PTA. These units are self-governing bodies for the purpose of planning programs and activities to meet local community needs. However, they are required to observe policies of the California State PTA and/or National PTA.
Council PTA
Councils of PTAs/PTSAs are created by the California State PTA for the purpose of conference, leadership training, and coordination of efforts of the member units.
District PTA
District PTAs are geographical divisions of the California State PTA, established to carry out its programs.
All PTA districts organized after July 1, 1980, are required to have number designations.
The California State PTA (California Congress of Parents, Teachers, and Students, Inc.) is a branch of the National PTA, serving as a connecting link between the national organization and its membership within the state.
The National PTA (National Congress of Parents and Teachers) is a volunteer educational organization, founded in Washington, D.C., in 1897. Branches of the National PTA have been established in all 50 United States, the District of Columbia, U.S. Virgin Islands, and in schools for American dependents in Europe and the Pacific area.
PTA Values
Unit PTAs are organized and chartered in conformity with rules and regulations as prescribed in the bylaws of the California State PTA. These units are self-governing bodies for the purpose of planning programs and activities to meet local community needs. However, they are required to observe policies of the California State PTA and/or National PTA.
Councils of PTAs/PTSAs are created by the California State PTA for the purpose of conference, leadership training,
and coordination of efforts of the member units.
District PTAs are geographical divisions of the California State PTA, established to carry out its programs.
All PTA districts organized after July 1, 1980, are required to have number designations.
The California State PTA (California Congress of Parents, Teachers, and Students, Inc.) is a branch of the National PTA, serving as a connecting link between the national organization and its membership within the state.
The National PTA (National Congress of Parents and Teachers) is a volunteer educational organization, founded in Washington, D.C., in 1897. Branches of the National PTA have been established in all 50 United States, the District of Columbia, U.S. Virgin Islands, and in schools for American dependents in Europe and the Pacific area.